Papillon (Spanish Edition)
Papillon (Spanish Edition)
- Author: Charriere
- Condition: New
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Un cl�sico autobiogr�fico que relata la incre�ble evasi�n de un hombre que vivi� una aut�ntica odisea por perseguir aquello que nunca debi� perder: la libertad. En 1931, Henri Charri�re, apodado Papillon por el tatuaje en forma de mariposa de su pecho, fue condenado a prisi�n por un asesinato que no hab�a cometido. Sentenciado a cadena perpetua en una colonia penal de la Guayana Francesa, en su mente solo cab�a una meta: escapar. Tras varios intentos fallidos de fuga a lo largo de los a�os, fue enviado a la llamada Isla del Diablo, de donde ning�n recluso se hab�a evadido jam�s... hasta su llegada. La lucha por la libertad de Papillon sigue siendo una de las m�s incre�bles haza�as que el ingenio, el tes�n y la valent�a humanos hayan demostrado jam�s. Su relato dio lugar a esta extraordinaria autobiograf�a, la odisea de un hombre inocente para perseguir lo que nunca debi� perder: la libertad. Rese�as: �La mayor haza�a de todos los tiempos.� Auguste Le Breton �Un cl�sico moderno de coraje.� The New Yorker �Una extraordinaria historia de aventuras.� The New York Review of Books ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Henri Charri�re, nicknamed "Papillon," for the butterfly tattoo on his chest, was convicted in Paris in 1931 of a murder he did not commit. Sentenced to life imprisonment in the penal colony of French Guiana, he became obsessed with one goal: escape. After planning and executing a series of treacherous yet failed attempts over many years, he was eventually sent to the notorious prison, Devil's Island, a place from which no one had ever escaped . . . until Papillon. His flight to freedom remains one of the most incredible feats of human cunning, will, and endurance ever undertaken. Charri�re's astonishing autobiography, Papillon, was first published in France to instant acclaim in 1968, more than twenty years after his final escape. Since then, it has become a treasured classic--the gripping, shocking, ultimately uplifting odyssey of an innocent man who would not be defeated.
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